As the Ancient Romans said, “Times change, and we change with them”. It was long ago when for making acquaintance with a girl, a boy strived for her attention, struggled for her heart, competed with his rival and spent a lot of time and means on it. For achieving his goals he aspired to look handsome, athletic, respectable which gave him additional stimulus to be perfect .

In modern society technical facilities of personal computers are widely used in order to make acquaintances and particularly for sex service. Via internet you can find sexual partners, discuss different sexual problems or simply flirt with them. Obtaining some erotic and pornographic CD, we can turn it into a real erotic show. Virtual reality has become the means of materializing the most courageous fantasy. In some countries special entertaining rooms, “dark rooms”, have become modern which are meant for linking up with special sex programs.

And who more frequently applies to all these?

According to our observations these people can be divided into the following groups: 

• They are the most suspicious people who think that the environment is dangerous for them. These people are non-communicative, aren’t able to stand up for their positions. They easily back out of their aims, differ with shyness which brings down sexual activity.

• These people are with getting stuck, but sometimes with infantile-dependent streaks of character.

• These people have various physical flaws. To some extent it’s difficult for them to step in real relations, and their virtual world gives them a wide opportunity to seem as if they are supermen and superwomen.

• These people are from different age groups who hide something. Some of them want to seem older, the others - younger.

• These are different sexual minorities . It’s easy for them to realize their sexual imaginations and to find partners for intimacy.

• It is a group with unaccomplished people where material component has a significant meaning. 

You shouldn’t present flowers, buy champagne It’s a special contingent aspires to dangerous sexual actions and fantasy with the youth. There are people who avoid from obligations, are afraid of being dependent on sexual relations with such consequences as pregnancy, diseases given through genital tracts. Of course, both online sexual activity and sex lead to the explosion of natural intimate values in sex. It is a world of artificial pleasures, country of fantasy where the user is face to face on him/herself , where everything is illusion and self-delusion, where everything is substituted devaluating and destroying normal intimate relations. Real sexual reactions occur and conditioned by individual experience, upbringing and social issues. Due to all these factors the appropriate partner is chosed. Individual’s virtual erotic imagination almost never coincides fully with his/her real sexual behavior. Real sexual contact can be the means of relaxation, procreation, it can bring sensual delight, be the moment of cognition and satisfy sexual curiosity. In other cases it can be the means of communication when the sexual intimacy manifests as the moment of psychological individual intimacy leading to the junction two individuals in a single whole. Sometimes sexual life can be the means of self-affirmation in order to prove him/herself and the others that s/he can infatuate, be liked and content sexually. Sex can be chased for non-sexual purposes: material profit, rise of social status, prestige. In some cases it can be the maintenance of the certain ritual or habit, and by some people it can be the means of compensation, substitution of some other ones, unavailable form of activities or the means of emotional satisfaction. If we apply to the biology of natural relations and sex, so they are hard physiological processes which give great psycho-emotional , hormonal splash having influence on the individual’s physical and psychical health very positively and provide his/her harmonious integration in society.

And what to do?

I suggest getting up, entering into this wonderful world and taking pleasure in natural delights and not in surrogates.