Imaginary sexual disorders are characterized by complaints on sexopathological manifestations in the absence of deviation from age and constitutional norms. The main reason is lack of information filled with casual information gotten from incompetent sources.

The predisposing factor is heightened inspiration and suspicious characteristic features. Clinical versions:
1. presentation of excessive demands to themselves (for example, an elderly man complains of delayed or absent ejaculation in daily intercourses);
2. attributing themselves to sexual “defects” (doubts about their inferiority on the ground that glans of penis isn’t covered by foreskin as it is for all normal people or on the contrary, the left orchis is lower than the right one; conclusion about their sexual defect after a lecture on consequences of masturbation and etc.).
3. inadequate reaction on physiological sexual manifestations (acceleration of ejaculation after the forced abstinence);
4. disharmony conditioned by lack of general and sexual culture or when one of the partners has a sexual defect (for example, complaints about his wife’s sexual inferiority when a young woman doesn’t feel orgasm or influence on erogenic zones is negatively admitted by the woman).

Process, prognosis: absence of timely correction leads to development of neurotic phenomena and overvalued ideas in connection with sexual sphere which makes imaginary sexual dysfunctions true.

Prophylaxis, treatment: increase of general and sexual culture, individual conversations aimed at correcting misconceptions and stereotypes of sexual behavior, revelation and elimination of real sexual disorders from the partner who considers him/herself healthy.